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Contributing in Documentation

We use a separated repo to host the documentation pages, and Mkdocs to host them here.

To start, if you don't have access to edit the main repo you can make a fork of the repo from here. We work with pull request, so when you code is ready, you can make a pull request to the Develop branch of the main repo


We use Markdown to write the documentation, this easy and fast language makes easy to us to write and deploy documentation using Mkdocs and GitHub Pages.

Learn about Markdown

Mermaid (Schemes as code)

We use Mermaid and a GitHub action to auto-render the mermaid code into schemes, this make easly to edit and deploy schemes without wasting lot of time.

This action automatically detects the Mermaid code and render it adding it to your pull request code.

Learn about Mermaid


We use MkDocs with GitHub Pages to host the documentation pages, it's easy to use and have a lot of functions and plugins that makes easy to find and understand in the documentation.

Learn about MkDocs